• WisPolitics

 8:10 PM  Candidate beats Tommy to "every county" distinction

It turns out that Tommy Thompson isn't the only candidate that is visiting all 99 counties. Illinois businessman and GOP candidate John Cox has already been to all 99.

However, Thompson's Iowa campaign manager Chad Olsen remarked that Cox just came into a restaurant and shook a few hands when he visited Olsen's county.

"That doesn't do much good when you're running for president," Olsen said, noting the importance of staging events, talking to people and recruiting volunteers.

"We're doing Tommy Thompson for President events in every single county," Olsen said, adding that the campaign's local events feature local media, along with mailings and follow-up robocalls.

"I don't doubt that (Cox) has physically visited all 99 counties," Olsen said, noting that he would be more comfortable saying Tommy Thompson is the only candidate to hold events in all 99 counties.

-- By David Wise


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